

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Colorado GOP Delegates REFUSE to help Trump

Retard Alert!

  • There is only one thing more stupid than a Socialist Leftist - - - - and that is an insane "Social Conservative."
  • Even when Trump selects a Conservative Christian as Vice President it is NEVER enough for these followers of the "true faith" . . . whatever that Hell that might be.  They would rather see the Hildabeast in power.  Indeed they are fucking nuts.

(World Net Daily)  -  Jim Gilbreath and his fellow Colorado delegates came to the Republican National Convention “praying for a miracle,” hoping the rules might go their way and allow for a “white knight” candidate to take the place of Donald Trump.
As he headed home to Colorado Springs on Saturday afternoon at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, he told WND that while his party has confirmed Trump as the nominee, he and many others in his delegation are not on board.
“I can tell you that from the Colorado contingent, there will be quite a few people who will not be out helping Trump,” said Gilbreath, who describes himself as a pro-life, pro-religious liberty and pro-Constitution activist.
“The activists are the social conservatives, and they are the ones that are embarrassed to put the (Trump) bumper stickers on their car. How do you win? You can’t.”
In Colorado, Virginia and other swing states, he said, “you’ve gotta have people out there doing the work.”
“I’ve only seen two Trump bumper stickers on cars,” Gilbreath said. “In the last cycle, there were tons of Mitt bumper stickers. And Mitt lost.”
Why not campaign for Trump simply because standing down could result in a President Hillary Clinton?
“It’s inevitable. It doesn’t matter what I think. It’s what the populace is going to do,” he replied.
Gilbreath, who initially campaigned for Dr. Ben Carson and was elected as a Ted Cruz delegate.
“Do you want to win the battle or do you want to win the war?” he asked.
“For me, the war is conservatism. If you lose conservatism because you choose Trump, then you may win in this cycle [but lose the war].”
Read More . . . .

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